In version 11.6, the Follow Me Data feature is integrated into the Citrix Receiver for Mac. It is important to remember that certain items mentioned in this article might not exist on your system depending on the Receiver version(s) you previously installed. Note that certain folder mentioned in the list can be hidden directories on the system. A path without a tilde refers to the system-wide version of that folder at the root of the system (e.g. For example, ~/Library/Preferences/ refers to the Preferences folder within the user's Library folder (e.g. Under this folder, you can delete any applications you previously added via the Receiver UI.Ī tilde (~) placed at the beginning of a folder path refers to that folder’s location within the user profile.

Preferences/.plist.lockfile (added in 11.6) Citrix/Receiver Integration (entire folder) If they still exist, remove them manually. If you have no plans to use Ableton Live again, you can delete them.After uninstalling the Receiver and rebooting the system, ensure that the files or folders listed in this section have been removed from your system.If you plan to re-install Live, leave them where they are.Go to the Packs and User Library locations that you wrote down during Step 1. Here's how to access hidden folders on Mac. Users//Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/ Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/ all files starting with 'Ableton Live Engine' in.Locate these hidden files and folders and delete them entirely: Open your Applications list in Finder and remove the Live application by dragging and dropping it into the trash bin, or control+click then "Move to Trash".

If you still want to use files from the User Library, do not delete them without backing them up first. Note: While Live's Core Library content and Live Packs can be downloaded and reinstalled at any time, your User Library - which contains your own personal presets and files - cannot be restored once deleted unless you have backed it up to another location. Check the paths to Installation Folder for Packs and Location of User Library: Launch Live, open the Preferences and go to the Library tab. Here's how you can uninstall the Live application and all associated hidden files from your computer, including Library and Pack content.